Funnies Friday

Hey fwends -
I'm back with my hot chocolate and ready to tell you another somethin’ somethin’: I LOVE
DAD-JOKES. I have like 20+ dad jokes that friends of mine have heard at least twice. I can't tell those
friends again so I thought I would tell them to yall ….. (but my friends read these so technically I would
be telling them AGAIN, but we don't want to think about that.)

Ok so I'm going to tell you a few jokes and if you laugh YEAY! and if you don't laugh...well, I know
you're laughing on the inside. heheh. Ok ok, so now what joke shall I tell first?

Found one!
What do you call a dog that can do magic tricks?… wait for it, wait for it….
A LABRACADABRADOR….. Eh ehhhhhh……….(insert expectant, smiley, waiting-for-a laugh face)

Ok, so if  you’re like, “another, another!” Then here's another one for you. But, if you are like “oh my
gosh, end the suffering!!!” then please just stay with me and I'll turn you into a cheesy person in no
time. (the word actually having two meanings -  I'll make you like cheese or cheesy jokes, your pick.
I do luv some cheese….)

(Looks through all my jokes) Oh ok ok, here's a good one: Why did the mushroom have so many
friends?……… *Snort* …...Cuz he was a fungi … get it??.... “fun guy”= fungi ….. I know you’re

Ohhhhhhhh here's one - remember speed-dial? you should get this… so……... if I call my grandma
on speed dial, is that Instagram ??????? Get it????? Instagram???? Heh! (dies laughing)  

Ohhh, this one is good too: What do you call a waffle that fell on the beach?…… SANDY EGGO …
get it??? San Diego…..sandy eggo…….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….. Ok ok…..calm down….

Oh I like this one…….. SInging in the shower is all fun and games until you get shampoo in your
mouth…….Then, it becomes a soap opera.

Ok this one is for all my superhero geeks (you know who you are).  So, what is Superman's favorite
street? Lois Lane……………... hahaha*snort snort* ahahahahahha…..

What else can I give you?  ooh how about a scarecrow? Ok, ok so why did the scarecrow get an
a good one!!

Ok so I'm just going to leave that there so
a. I don’t bore you to death with my cheesy jokes and
b. I don't waste all my material on one post.

If you have any ridiculous or cheesy jokes, please put them in comments and I'll add them to my
VERY long list..heh

Thanks! Toodlelooo…….


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