Minecraft Murder Monday

Hey - don't be frightened by the name 🤣 I won't kill you.!!! Or will I ???!!!!
The original Murder Mystery is one of me and my friends' fav game on Hypixel.
SSOOOOO here is how it works. There are about 16 players in a game and all are innocent except 2. One is the murderer and the other is the detective. The innocents' jobs are to stay alive and not get killed by the murderer. The murderer's job is to KILL EVERY ONE, especially the detective - if you can do that, then you can kill every one who tries to get the bow that the detective drops. Then you might win. For the detective, your job is to kill the murderer and also not get killed. If you have a friend on the game that will be your butterfly then they can tell you who killed them. I have 2 friends (Jewel and Crazz) and their specialties are being the murderer. Mine is trying not to get killed by running and hiding.
I don't  know all the names of the maps but the ones I do know are library,archives, spaceship, headquarters and hypixel world. There is one more that I LOVE but I don't remember the name.

If y'all play Minecraft pc tell me you fav games and what server they are on >o<
Love y'all and see you next time.😍


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